What is Total Body Wellness Boot Camp?
This five week boot camp covers every facet of a healthy lifestyle and has the ability to completely change your life! We want you to be well and feeling great so that you can do what you were created to do and not be held back by sickness, pain or fatigue.
These classes encompass the philosophy of what Scandia Chiropractic is all about and why we are so passionate about what we do. The doctors have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to chiropractic, nutrition, and exercise, but it's difficult to really share this knowledge within the window of an appointment. Armed with the knowledge provided from this boot camp you will know exactly what steps you need to take in order to get your life on the right track.
This class series is called a boot camp for a reason and is like nothing we've done before. Be prepared to be challenged in how you think about wellness and how you get there.
Overview of the classes
Movement 1- This class will cover why it is so important for your spine to have motion and stability. How a simple adjustment affects your mind, your immune system and every organ in your body.
Movement 2- Be ready to move! This class will go through why exercise is so important (its not just about losing weight). We will also go through some exercises that are healthy for your back and some pointers on what to avoid at the gym. You will also receive a personalized fitness program based on your goals.
Nutrition/Diet- What we eat can either help bring us toward health or sickness. Come and learn the truth about what your body was designed to eat. The doctors will provide individualized advice on where changes need to be made in your diet and where you can improve how you fuel your body.
Mind- Your thought life has more of an effect on your health than you think. If you're eating right and moving right, but your thought life is terrible, you will never be truly well. Learn exactly why that is and how you can improve this area of your life.
Detoxification- Our bodies have a natural detoxification process, however we are bombarded by toxins every day, whether it's in the air, something we ingest, or put on our body; they all have consequences. Learn what happens when you detox properly and how it plays a role in achieving a wellness lifestyle.
Our desire is to see all who walk through our doors achieve true wellness. We hope that you will take advantage of this time with the doctors and begin the journey in taking your life to a new level!
To sign up, call the office at 651-433-5750, or fill out the registration form at your next appointment. You can also go to the Contact Us page and let us know you want to be signed up for the Total Body Wellness Boot Camp.
$100 for all 5 classes or $75 if you pre-register